Voy a dudar de todo lo que sé

Ultimamente empiezan a menudear reflexiones sobre el sentido que la web 2.0 puede representar en el campo educativo. Y las preguntas se agolpan. ¿La nueva web está cambiando la forma en que los profesores enseñan y los estudiantes aprenden? ¿Está cambiando la forma en que funcionan las instituciones educativas? ¿Está cambiando algo realmente?

A finales de enero, Gráinne Conole (Open University, Reino Unido) estuvo hablando de este tema en la Universidad de Zürich en una charla titulada: «Changing Perspective in E-Learning – Scrutinizing the Learners Voice»:

A whole new vocabulary has emerged recently – Face book’, ‘my space’, ‘wikis’, ‘blogs’ and ‘second life’, terms most of us hadn’t heard of a couple of years ago are now part of mainstream broadcasting. Many are arguing that there is a major technological revolution occurring, that the impact of social networking and the philosophies inherent in what has being coined Web 2.0 is going to be huge – changing the way we do things, and throwing existing Business models out the window.

The current fever pitch has echoes of the excitement which surrounded Web 1.0, as people back in the early nineties began to realise the phenomenal impact the Internet and in particular the web would have. And although not all the original predictions about Web 1.0 materialised there is no doubt that it has had a radical impact on all aspects of our lives. Are we on the verge of another seismic shift with Web 2.0? What does this mean for education? For how we teach? For how students learn?

Este es el enlace al slideshare de su presentación. Parece grande pero no lo es, ya que el tamaño se debe a las animaciones. A partir de la diapositiva 50 la cosa se pone especialmente interesante.

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