Un tema extravagante. Un desarrollo brillante, con la pasión justa, obra del filólogo y excelente blogger W. Gardner Campbell (Mary Washington College, Fredericksburg, Virginia), un tipo raro, empeñado en ver la dimensión poética de la web. Esta fue una charla que dio en The University of British Columbia el 5 de marzo de 2008 y que me ha encantado. No es nada fácil de digerir, pero no hace falta, solo hay que dejarse llevar por la «magia» de Campbell y disfrutar de la forma en que «conecta» ideas aparentemente distantes.
Si tienes un poco de tiempo libre, escúchala y déjate atrapar. Estamos sin duda ante otra de las charlas imprescindibles del año, y van…:
La presenta así:
Emily Dickinson once wrote, “If I read a book [and] it makes my whole body so cold no fire ever can warm me I know that is poetry. If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.” Can that experience be true of computing as well? Can the experience of computing reveal metaphors, compelling forms, rhymes, even meter in our encounters with knowledge, virtual worlds, and each other? Do some people resist a deep exploration of computers for the same reason they shy away from poetry? In A Poet’s Guide to Poetry, Mary Kinzie writes, “I believe the craft of writing is actually to entice readers into the same domain as the creative imagination.”
Is there a similar craft of computing, a digital imagination no less creative than the verbal, musical, and artistic varieties we have known for centuries?I believe the answer to all those questions is ‘yes.’